Product Description
Get help for setting up your private and dedicated ActivityPub [Mastodon / Pleroma + Soapbox / Pixelfed] instance.
Why build a single account for your organisation? Why not setup an entire space on the fediverse dedicated to members of your user group or organisation! Mostly Harmless provides this simple service of setting up such a dedicated instance for you.
Pricing includes:
- Charges for setting up the software
- Charges for one-time training on how to use the software effectively
- Charges for 1 week of support for the support
Pricing does not include:
- Cost of the VPS to host the software
- Cost of domain registration for your fediverse presence
Monthly support is available at an additional and reasonable cost. Monthly support includes:
- Software updates
- Server maintenance
- Basic software configuration & customisation (if required)
All software used would be Free/Libre Software. All hosting setup is done on Debian GNU/Linux.